Our full range of reproductive health services, just for you.
Abortion Care
We offer medication abortion up to 11 weeks of pregnancy and procedural abortion up to 16 weeks of pregnancy. Medication and procedural abortion are both safe and effective, but a provider evaluation will confirm which one is right for you.
We offer many safe, effective birth control methods for you to choose from and we can help you find the method that is right for you. You can count on our knowledgeable staff to make it easy for you to talk about your birth control options with respect and zero judgement.
STI Testing & Treatment
There are many kinds of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are very common — more than half of Americans will get one — and they are nothing to be ashamed of.
Annual Exams
A gynecologic wellness exam can help you stay healthy and prevent illness. We offer full gynecological exams & other specific services based on your needs.
Pregnancy Confirmation
Depending on your situation, we offer urine pregnancy tests, blood draws for quantitative beta HCG, and ultrasounds for gestation dating.
Emergency Contraception
If you have unprotected sex or if your method fails, emergency contraception can stop you from ovulating and may prevent pregnancy. Emergency contraception — sometimes called EC, the morning after pill, or Plan B — is birth control you can use to prevent pregnancy up to 3 days (72 hours) after unprotected sex.
Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy
We are proud to provide quality sexual healthcare, including GAHT to the LGBTQIA+ community — with respect, compassion and zero judgement. We will provide you with information and resources you need to protect your health and make informed decisions.