Medication Abortion
If you need an abortion, we are here to help. Everyone has their valid reasons for having an abortion. Your reason is good and your reason is enough.
We offer medication abortion, sometimes called the “abortion pill,” by appointment to patients whose stage of pregnancy is between 4 and 11 weeks.
The cost of the medication abortion is $495 and may include an additional fee if you require a Rhogam shot.
How does medication abortion work?
A medication abortion is a two step process you take, with our guidance.
The first step is a medication called Mifepristone. Mifepristone causes changes in the lining of the uterus. The second medication is called Misoprostol. Misoprostol then causes the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy. As our patient, you are given a dose of each medication to induce abortion. You’ll take the mifepristone here at the center then return home to take the misoprostol where the abortion is completed in privacy.
You’ll receive thorough education and instructions about this method before receiving the medication. You must be willing to undergo a procedural abortion in the event that the medication abortion is incomplete. You’ll be carefully evaluated to determine your eligibility for the medication abortion option. You must have access to a telephone and transportation to a medical facility equipped to give emergency care.
What can you expect?
Plan to be at the clinic 3 to 4 hours after your scheduled appointment time. During your visit, you will fill out medical history paperwork and receive the following:
Ultrasound exam
Pregnancy test
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing
Finger prick to take a small blood sample to check for anemia and determine whether you’re Rh positive or negative
Optional private counseling session
Optional birth control method
Once you take the misoprostol, you may experience cramping in as little as 20 minutes. You’ll experience cramping and bleeding, and the pregnancy will be expelled. Most people pass the pregnancy in 24 hours, but it could take up to 48 hours. You’ll also receive a high-sensitivity pregnancy test and be instructed to take the test 4 weeks after your abortion.
What will it be like a week after my appointment?
After your in clinic visit, you will be given an appointment date and time where we will contact you with a phone call follow-up appointment.
This appointment is usually within 10-14 days of your first in clinic visit. If the abortion is not complete, you are eligible for an in-clinic abortion at our clinic at no additional charge.
Are there any symptoms or side effects?
Most people will experience cramping and bleeding similar to a normal heavy period. You may see blood clots and tissue that come from the uterus. This is an expected part of ending the pregnancy.
Bleeding or spotting lasts an average of 9 to 16 days and may last for up to 30 days. Common side effects include nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, fever, dizziness and diarrhea.
A nurse is available to talk to you around the clock if you have any medical concerns.